The big day–Christmas–has come and gone and I am in the midst of a much needed vacation. It is always so wonderful to have the time to sit down with family and friends and not have to check my watch as I think about having to get up early for work the next morning. I am generally an “early bird” getting up at 4 or 5 a.m., but during this extended vacation I have been staying in bed until 6, thanks to the encouragement of my husband.
The funny thing about Christmas this year–coal in the stockings! Seriously, the kids had never seen coal before (we laughed so hard, my husband and I) at their reactions. I explained the uses of coal and how important it was when I was a child. We even had people over later that evening who were begging for a lump of coal! HILLARIOUS! So no surprises for next Christmas–you KNOW what you will be getting 🙂