What lies in the space that separates you and me-- Is it as empty as it seems? White space between words on a page Black spaces like the holes in space that yearn to be filled with a hand, touch or word. Yawning space to be observed yet, still, needing to be filled by a thought or caress or anything that will fill the hole left bereft. I do not care for the space that separates you and me. Space that is filled by differences as deep as the sea. A space that is so narrow, yet so wide, Space that envelopes like an unending sky. I need the space that separates you from me. Space in which I can grow being free to be me-- Space in which I can unfurl my tucked in wings and strengthen them for the tests ahead that I must face on my own. What lies in the space that separates you from me? The space is filled with opportunities we have yet to see. Space that is filled with roads waiting for the signs That we will leave When we decide which way to go. What lies in the space that separates you from me? It depends on the moment It depends on our needs. Sometimes hope--with a dash of fear Then there is love for those we hold dear. There is hate and malice and murderous ire— There is patience and lust with wholesome desire. It is a space full of life with moments of death. There is mystery and pain of youth and of age. The space is a space that holds all that is desired. The space is full of ashes from past fires. What lies in the space that separates you and me? In one word… P O S S I B I L I T I E S