Barbara Goodjoin © 2017

Somebody in here been pregnant a long time, long time, way too long!
Somebody in here been pregnant so long–their baby done bout turn to stone.
Somebody in here been carrying a dream, carrying a dream, way too long!
Somebody in here been dreamin’ so long, they got a dream that bout to turn to stone.
Somebody in here been sleep so long, sleep so long, way too long!
Somebody done slept till they bout to turn to stone.
Somebody in here been afraid a long time, long time, way too long!
Somebody is so scared to try, they bout to turn to stone.
It’s time to get woke, time to move,
It’s time to push, time to prove—
That the dreams and inventions carried inside of you
are just what we need to help a world in distress—
a world that’s been sending out an SOS
of screams, and murders, and political mess!
Push through the trap of video games, and social pages
that lull us all into petrified stages
of stagnation, hopelessness, and not giving a damn
about any other child, woman, or man!
Push through the fear, and hold the hand
that reaches from the womb of its’ own motherland.
Birth your dreams, make them reality
Push through the fears and they will dissipate!
Embrace the love and nourish the goodness,
before it is hardened by fear and discrimination, and other hates.
Don’t let all the possibilities harden inside of you
It’s time to give birth to all the good you can do.
It’s been a long time coming, long time coming, so long
It’s been a long time coming, long time coming, way too long!